Hygiene - A Circle of Life

Photographic project that deals with questions about in collaboration with Fotografiska for Life scouted and photographed by me in the UK, USA, Mexico and Sweden in 2017. The separate exhibition included 40 images and was shown at the Fotografiska museum in Stockholm in 2018. In the spring of 2022 it was shown again in Mexico City in collaboration with UNICEF.
Text from the exhibition: What unites humans is that our bodies are in constant change from birth to death, in constant decay. The socially accepted and classically depicted body is perfected and smoothly reduced to menstruation, excretion, childbirth and discomfort. While the "grotesque" and private body that accompanies us through the various stages of life is rarely shown or talked about.
In an intimate way, I want to depict moments in the everyday, almost meditative routine around hygiene. Through portraits, still lifes and detailed images tell us about taboos around our own body in relation to others and about how our bodies are often connected to our view of ourselves. I wanted to meet people from different social classes and ages, in order to be able to see a whole about how, for example, the little boy and the little girl relate to the same subject, their body. How the older generation faces problems and which taboos are most present in the different generations and in each gender.